For Anaximander and Hacateus you were
Revolving round a flattish earth- the centre of the universe!
Bathing in the 'ocean river' and rising up every morning
You were a wonder, a phenomenon beyond what humans-
mortal worms could fathom.....
You truly WERE amazing!
The source of all energy and life
You are the true God of this watery blue planet, Earth!
Thousands of scientists, you produced, who tried to study you
Millenniums passed, you still are the king
You truly ARE amazing
Today as the world is suffering, of hunger and lack of energy,
You, the source of all energy, all life, stand up there smiling!
"Can't you see? I'm right here, the answer to all your problems!"
Surya Bhagavan, the Sun God, whatever we may call you,
You truly WILL BE amazing, for all times!!
And as I watch you from my little balcony,
You sink into the horizon, leaving kumkum trails behind..
I've watched you do this a thousand times... everyday!
Yet you are amazing
You were amazing
You will be amazing, for all times!!
[As i spoke to my friend today, he claims to have found a solution to the hunger crisis- he claims that by concentrating on the sun, in a process of "sun gazing", energy could be extracted directly from the sun, a substitute to food!! I doubt the technology he suggests, but i'm sure ultimately man will find more efficient methods to tap sun's humungous supply of energy!]
wonderful ,great , i love this.... scientists say our beloved sun god wont be around after a 5 billion years , and your friend must be an alien , i dont think with our human body we will be able to substitute food with sungaze ..
thanks, rajeev! But it is said rishis of ancient India used to do it..
check this out http://rajeeeeev.blogspot.com/ i am not going to give up ..hi hi
So do you still believe human body we will be able to substitute food with sungaze..????
yes... it's true....
After you do tht for a couple of days, u won't be able to take any solid food... u will be needing a "DRIP"...
There is also another solution for hunger crisis. Its called 'vayu bhakshanam' if u can some how learn that, can save yr time from sun gaze. more over after you do that 4 a few days, pinne onnum kazhikkendi varilla. so no more hunger...
well, liju n gowind.. sun will surely be the ultimate soln to the energy crisis, food being just a sourse of energy.. n its not me who believes in food substitution by sun gaze, its my friend, having said that, I'm quite sure man will find out a way to directly synthesise energy from sun for his bodily needs.. wait and see..
As I have gathered from Vedas' Sun gives instant energies to JEEVATMA, as is said that " Jeevatma consumes grains and derives energy from Sun"
Josephine ... You seem to be taken up by the popular strides which need not be true.. Surya Bhaghavan means the Sun is a Created Entity by God and not God Himself. Didn't Jesus tell you Who is God and who is not ? Go through Holy Scriptures of the world before you start opining to the world. Bhaghavan is a Created Entity. Varunah Bhaghavan (Rain), Vayuh Bhaghavan (Wind) are examples ...
Josephine ... You seem to be taken up by the popular strides which need not be true.. Surya Bhaghavan means the Sun is a Created Entity by God and not God Himself. Didn't Jesus tell you Who is God and who is not ? Go through Holy Scriptures of the world before you start opining to the world. Bhaghavan is a Created Entity. Varunah Bhaghavan (Rain), Vayuh Bhaghavan (Wind) are examples ...
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